Air compressor, humidifier and air subsystem test platform

Product Features

The Rigor Fuel Cell Engine Component Test Platform is a series of testing platforms designed for fuel cell engine components, suitable for performance evaluation of fuel cell engine components with a power range of 10kW to 300kW.

By carefully selecting hardware and optimizing software algorithms, measurement accuracy and stability are ensured, and operating conditions are precisely controllable. The platform's reliability and safety are enhanced through standardized hardware application standards, the addition of safety-assured hardware, and multiple safety designs in the software.

The platform features a powerful human-machine interface with various operation modes and control methods for user selection, enabling continuous unmanned automatic operation for several days. The operating status and parameters of the fuel cell system components can be adjusted and monitored online, and all monitoring data can be stored in real time.

Air system

Air system airtightness testing;

Compressor performance testing and reliability testing;

Humidifier performance testing and reliability testing;

Air system (compressor + humidifier) performance testing and reliability testing:

Air system back pressure simulation testing;

Hydrogen system

Hydrogen system airtightness inspection;

key valve testing;

Stack heat and humidity resistance simulation testing;

Hydrogen circulation pump, ejector performance and reliability testing:

Hydrogen system back pressure simulation testing;

Heat exchange system

Cooling liquid flow rate, pressure, and temperature testing;

Generation of flow/pressure, flow/temperature, or temperature difference curves;

Heat exchange system power consumption and heat dissipation testing;

Heat exchange system resistance testing.

Air compressor test platform technical features

Performing simulation tests of air compressors under various operating conditions (such as loading, unloading, and prolonged operation), testing the airflow, pressure, and temperature at different rotational speeds, and generating flow/pressure/rotational speed/power consumption curves in the supervisory control software, with the horizontal axis being adjustable;

Testing the power consumption, thermal efficiency, and overall mechanical efficiency of the air compressor at different rotational speeds;

Completing the parameter testing of the air compressor's compressor under various coolants and back pressures, and drawing a complete performance MAP (including flow, pressure, rotational speed, power consumption, and efficiency);

Conducting calibration testing for the air compressor's surge line.

Humidifier test platform technical features

Humidity Chamber Test Stand provides humidified air to the test humidifier, testing the relative humidity of the dry air after passing through the test humidifier, while recording temperature, pressure, and flow parameters;

Dry gas is supplied by the system air compressor, and humid gas is supplied by the test stand's humidification equipment to the test humidifier with more than 90% humidity;

The entire air system test: the test air compressor and humidifier are installed on the test stand, and the stand provides a route of humid air and a route of dry air to the test humidifier, simulating the working state of the fuel cell, to test the relative humidity after the entire air system.

Technical features

Utilizing the Cdaq testing system from National Instruments, the data acquisition is controlled by the Labview RT real-time operating system. The communication control is enhanced with a rich set of CAN communication interfaces, offering better real-time performance, precise control, and good compatibility with vehicle systems. The control systems are all from internationally renowned brands.

Technical advantages

The test bench temperature control is precise, with an accuracy within ±1°C (under steady-state conditions), and it has a fast response time.

The test and control software is independently developed by RuiGe Company. The company started developing the test bench and the corresponding software in 2006, with lifetime free upgrades. To date, it has been updated through multiple generations, and the software features the most comprehensive functions. The latest developed software is smooth, with a user-friendly interface.

The test bench has a self-check function; it ensures that there are no issues before proceeding with operation.

The Cdaq testing system features an in-vehicle multi-protocol expansion interface, facilitating communication with external devices.

Quality is reliable: the test bench is designed to require minimal or no after-sales service.

Application Case