Heat Exchange System Testing Platform

Product Features

Rigor RG-FCE Fuel Cell Engine Heat Exchange System Testing Platform is a series of testing platforms designed for the heat exchange system of fuel cell engines, suitable for performance evaluation of fuel cell engine components with a power range of 10KW to 200KW. By carefully selecting hardware and optimizing software algorithms, the measurement accuracy and stability are ensured, and the operating conditions are precisely controllable. The platform's reliability and safety are enhanced by standardizing the application of hardware, adding safety-assured hardware, and implementing multiple safety designs in the software.

The platform features a powerful human-machine interface with various operation modes and control methods for users to choose from, enabling continuous unmanned fully automatic operation for multiple days. The status and parameters of the fuel cell system components can be adjusted and monitored online, and all monitoring data can be stored in real time.

The platform utilizes the Cdaq testing system from National Instruments, controlled by the Labview RT real-time operating system for data acquisition and communication control. It is equipped with a rich set of CAN communication interfaces for better real-time performance, precise control, and good compatibility with vehicle systems. The control systems are all from internationally renowned brands.

Air System

Air System Gas Tightness Test

Compressor Performance Test and Reliability Test

Humidifier Performance Test and Reliability Test

Air System (Compressor + Humidifier) Performance Test and Reliability Test

Air System Back Pressure Simulation Test

Hydrogen System

Hydrogen System Gas Tightness Test

Key Valve Testing

Fuel Cell Stack Heat and Humidity Resistance Simulation Test

Hydrogen Recirculation Pump and Ejector Performance and Reliability Test

Hydrogen System Back Pressure Simulation Test

Heat Exchange System

Coolant Flow Rate, Pressure, and Temperature Testing;

Generation of Flow/Pressure, Flow/Temperature, or Temperature Difference Curves;

Heat Exchange System Power Consumption and Heat Dissipation Testing;

Heat Exchange System Resistance Test.

Application Case